School enterprise cooperation for new chapters ——The year-end symposium between Guangzhou Blue Ring and Guangzhou Port Technical School was successfully held

On December 14, 2023, in order to further understand the work situation of the school's internship students in enterprises, deepen communication and cooperation with employers, Director Chen Wei and Teacher Zhang from the School Employment Office visited our company to carry out internship and employment follow-up work. Our project manager and human resources department manager received the leaders who visited the school.

During the follow-up visit, school leaders conducted in-depth face-to-face communication and on-site inspections of the working and accommodation environment of the company to gain a deeper understanding of the work situation of the interns, with a focus on understanding their adaptation and satisfaction with the company. At the same time, we expressed concern and condolences for the safety issues of the interns. Our project manager has given recognition to the interns for their ability to quickly transition roles and demonstrate good professional ethics after joining the company. We focused on providing feedback to the school leadership on the work performance of the interns in our company and provided suggestions for their future career planning. Both sides had in-depth exchanges on talent cultivation, corporate campus recruitment, new ideas for school enterprise cooperation, internship training, and other aspects.

Our company provides interns with a good development space and platform. This school visit has laid a solid foundation for seeking a win-win situation for enterprises, schools, and individuals.

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  • Phone:13342855859
  • Email:yan-pym@bcibmarine.com
  • Address:154 Guangma Avenue, Mayong Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province