Application of Water Jet Demolition for Buried Pipelines
Buried pipelines are widely used in various systems of power plants. Common forms of burial include semi-buried, partial burial, and complete burial. The pipes are often lined with materials such as paint coatings, rubber linings, or mortar linings.
After long-term operation, pipelines may leak due to corrosion and stress. The repair method involves removing the damaged area of the pipeline and implementing necessary repairs. This process requires the removal of external concrete and lining materials inside the pipeline.
Typically, the concrete used in power plant burial has a strength of C40 or higher. Traditional methods such as pneumatic picks or electric chisels can cause the occurrence of crack to the pipes. Additionally, it is challenging for personnel to access and remove damaged coating layers on the inner walls of small-diameter pipelines, presenting significant challenges for maintenance.
To address these issues, Guangzhou Lanhuan Coating Co., Ltd. has introduced ultra-high-pressure water jet technology into the repair of buried pipelines. Through the development of automated water jet equipment and customized devices for specific situations, the company has achieved excellent results.