Application of Anti-corrosion for Steel Structures: Ultra-high Pressure Water Preparation for Water Intake Grate
The traditional renovation process for anti-corrosion coatings on steel structures involves sandblasting, which generates environmental pollution caused by dust. With the increasing demand for environmental protection, the rust removal process needs improvement. The use of high-pressure water jetting for rust removal has emerged as it offers high efficiency without generating dust. It has been widely applied in engineering maintenance.
Water intake grates in nuclear power plants are equipped with water intake grids. In a marine environment, the grids need regular anti-corrosion treatment to ensure their lifespan. The first step in corrosion prevention is to thoroughly remove dirt, marine organisms, rust, and paint from the surface of the grates. Achieving efficient and high-quality surface preparation is the first crucial step in the anti-corrosion construction of grates.
Based on years of experience in ultra-high-pressure water surface preparation, BCIB recommends using ultra-high-pressure water for surface preparation of grates, which has relative advantages compared to other methods.
The following image depicts a project involving ultra-high-pressure water anti-corrosion treatment of a water intake grate in cooperation with our company.